<![CDATA[登舜工業股份有限公司]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese Wed, 22 Nov 2023 16:46:36 +0800 3600 <![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 Flexible Flat Cable (FFC) | 柔性扁平線 ()(2015/Dec/29 17:48:35)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/flexible_flat_cable-01.html?CID=1_1 自行研發設備,利於生產各種高難度,高需求的FFC | 柔性扁平線



柔性扁平排線(Flex Flat Cable),簡稱為軟排線或FFC。


FFC柔性扁平排線(Flex Flat Cable)的應用領域:

   適合於移動部件與主板之間、板對板之間、小型化電器設備中作數據傳輸線纜之用。目前廣泛應用於電腦與其元   件、印表機打印頭與主板之間的連接、影印機、繪圖器、液晶電器、傳真機、音響、各種視頻系統、車載設備等產品板板連接與信號傳輸,FFC(Flex Flat Cable)有多種導線間距和PIN數可供選擇,有效減小電子產品的體積與重量,更便於設備之間的連接,減少生產成本,因此在現代電器設備中及電器產品均有應用FFC連接器。

FFC柔性扁平排線(Flex Flat Cable) 製作工序:

  首先使用壓延機製作導體(鍍錫銅線),而導體銅線的寬、窄、厚度遵照客戶具體需求來控制,製作成導體後放入FFC設備的放線架(SPOOL DIE)經過設備後將FFC導體半成品進行vision測試(檢測導體的優良性),再依照客戶需求的長度進行裁切或其他需求進行加工作業,經過這樣一系列嚴謹的工序,才能生產出FFC柔性扁平排線。因此,FFC的製造會依實際操作者的技術水準所製作出來的產品優良性會有所差異,因而操作者需要長期的培養和對設備熟悉度方能製造出品質較優良的FFC柔性扁平排線(Flex Flat Cable)。 本司自行研發改良FFC (Flex Flat Cable)生產設備,利於生產各種高難度,高需求的產品,可根據用戶不同要求訂製各種長度、大小、數量、EMI處理以及滿足各種不同技術需求的FFC柔性扁平排線。以整合性服務,透過品質、產能、交期,贏得寶貴客戶的肯定與信賴,將不斷尋求技術上的突破,以台灣製造的品質,進行全球化佈局,持續成長邁向美好的未來。

(2015/Dec/29 17:48:35)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:48:35 +0800
<![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 FFC | 軟排線 – PITCH 0.5 ()(2016/Oct/18 21:15:23)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/flexible_flat_cable-04.html?CID=1_1 FFC軟排線間距:0.5 PTICH | UL2896,UL20624,UL2643,UL20624,UL2643

從可用4〜100 PIN




(2016/Oct/18 21:15:23)]]>
Tue, 18 Oct 2016 21:15:23 +0800
<![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 FFC | 柔性扁平電纜 – PITCH 1.0 ()(2015/Dec/29 17:50:05)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/flexible_flat_cable-05.html?CID=1_1 FFC排線間距:1.0 PITCH | UL2896,UL20624,UL2643,UL20624,UL2643

從可用3〜100 PIN




(2015/Dec/29 17:50:05)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:50:05 +0800
<![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 FFC | 柔性扁平電纜 – PITCH 1.25 ()(2015/Dec/29 17:50:32)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/flexible_flat_cable-06.html?CID=1_1 FFC排線間距:1.25 PITCH | UL2896,UL20624,UL2643,UL20624,UL2643

從可用2〜80 PIN




(2015/Dec/29 17:50:32)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:50:32 +0800
<![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 FFC | 柔性扁平電纜 – PITCH 1.27 ()(2015/Dec/30 09:23:27)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/FFC-PITCH1-27-.html?CID=1_1 FFC排線間距:1.27 PTICH

從可用2~80 PIN




登舜工業自行研發、設計、改良FFC (Flex Flat Cable)生產設備,利於生產各種高難度,高需求的產品,滿足客戶不同需求的FFC柔性扁平排線。


(2015/Dec/30 09:23:27)]]>
Wed, 30 Dec 2015 09:23:27 +0800
<![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 FFC | 柔性扁平電纜 – PITCH 2.54 ()(2015/Dec/29 17:51:18)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/flexible_flat_cable-07.html?CID=1_1 FFC排線間距:2.54 PITCH | UL2896,UL20624,UL2643,UL20624,UL2643

從可用2〜40 PIN




(2015/Dec/29 17:51:18)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:51:18 +0800
<![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 FFC |柔性扁平線纜 - 指標參數 ()(2015/Dec/29 17:51:51)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/flexible_flat_cable-od.html?CID=1_1 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:51:51 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 FFC |柔性扁平線纜 –電氣性能 ()(2015/Dec/29 17:52:05)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/flexible_flat_cable-char.html?CID=1_1 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:52:05 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 Flexible Flat Cable - Specification (Specification)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:37)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/flexible_flat_cable-spec.html?CID=1_1 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:37 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 RF Cable 射頻同軸線 (GT5 (HRS))(2015/Dec/29 17:56:44)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/rf_coaxial_cable-gt5.html?CID=1_1 As a professional RF coaxial cable provider, supplier and exporter. Telecomps supply all kinds of coaxial cable, including U.FL series cable, RF coaxial cable, coaxial cable assembly, coaxial cable specification, coaxial cables, coaxial connectors and more.
Their commitment is to guarantee the customers that Telecomps is organized to answer their needs and insure their satisfaction. If you are interested in any item of Telecomps' RF coaxial cable, please feel free to contact them. Telecomps would like to be your reliable coaxial cable provider and welcome to visit Telecomps' site now.

(2015/Dec/29 17:56:44)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:56:44 +0800
<![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 RF Cable 射頻同軸線 (H.FL (HRS))(2015/Dec/29 17:56:53)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/rf_coaxial_cable-hfl.html?CID=1_1 As a professional RF coaxial cable provider, supplier and exporter. Telecomps supply all kinds of coaxial cable, including U.FL series cable, RF coaxial cable, coaxial cable assembly, coaxial cable specification, coaxial cables, coaxial connectors and more.
Their commitment is to guarantee the customers that Telecomps is organized to answer their needs and insure their satisfaction. If you are interested in any item of Telecomps' RF coaxial cable, please feel free to contact them. Telecomps would like to be your reliable coaxial cable provider and welcome to visit Telecomps' site now.

(2015/Dec/29 17:56:53)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:56:53 +0800
<![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 RF Cable 射頻同軸線 (U.FL 01 (HRS))(2015/Dec/29 17:57:04)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/rf_coaxial_cable-ufl01.html?CID=1_1 As a professional RF coaxial cable provider, supplier and exporter. Telecomps supply all kinds of coaxial cable, including U.FL series cable, RF coaxial cable, coaxial cable assembly, coaxial cable specification, coaxial cables, coaxial connectors and more.
Their commitment is to guarantee the customers that Telecomps is organized to answer their needs and insure their satisfaction. If you are interested in any item of Telecomps' RF coaxial cable, please feel free to contact them. Telecomps would like to be your reliable coaxial cable provider and welcome to visit Telecomps' site now.

(2015/Dec/29 17:57:04)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:57:04 +0800
<![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 RF Cable 射頻同軸線 (U.FL 02 (HRS))(2015/Dec/29 17:57:14)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/rf_coaxial_cable-ufl02.html?CID=1_1 As a professional RF coaxial cable provider, supplier and exporter. Telecomps supply all kinds of coaxial cable, including U.FL series cable, RF coaxial cable, coaxial cable assembly, coaxial cable specification, coaxial cables, coaxial connectors and more.
Their commitment is to guarantee the customers that Telecomps is organized to answer their needs and insure their satisfaction. If you are interested in any item of Telecomps' RF coaxial cable, please feel free to contact them. Telecomps would like to be your reliable coaxial cable provider and welcome to visit Telecomps' site now.

(2015/Dec/29 17:57:14)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:57:14 +0800
<![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 RF Cable 射頻同軸線 (U.FL 03 (HRS))(2015/Dec/29 17:57:23)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/rf_coaxial_cable-ufl03.html?CID=1_1 As a professional RF coaxial cable provider, supplier and exporter. Telecomps supply all kinds of coaxial cable, including U.FL series cable, RF coaxial cable, coaxial cable assembly, coaxial cable specification, coaxial cables, coaxial connectors and more.
Their commitment is to guarantee the customers that Telecomps is organized to answer their needs and insure their satisfaction. If you are interested in any item of Telecomps' RF coaxial cable, please feel free to contact them. Telecomps would like to be your reliable coaxial cable provider and welcome to visit Telecomps' site now.

(2015/Dec/29 17:57:23)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:57:23 +0800
<![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 RF Cable 射頻同軸線 (U.FL 04 (HRS))(2015/Dec/29 17:57:32)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/rf_coaxial_cable-ufl04.html?CID=1_1 As a professional RF coaxial cable provider, supplier and exporter. Telecomps supply all kinds of coaxial cable, including U.FL series cable, RF coaxial cable, coaxial cable assembly, coaxial cable specification, coaxial cables, coaxial connectors and more.
Their commitment is to guarantee the customers that Telecomps is organized to answer their needs and insure their satisfaction. If you are interested in any item of Telecomps' RF coaxial cable, please feel free to contact them. Telecomps would like to be your reliable coaxial cable provider and welcome to visit Telecomps' site now.

(2015/Dec/29 17:57:32)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:57:32 +0800
<![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 RF Cable 射頻同軸線 (U.FL 05 (HRS))(2015/Dec/29 17:57:40)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/rf_coaxial_cable-ufl05.html?CID=1_1 As a professional RF coaxial cable provider, supplier and exporter. Telecomps supply all kinds of coaxial cable, including U.FL series cable, RF coaxial cable, coaxial cable assembly, coaxial cable specification, coaxial cables, coaxial connectors and more.
Their commitment is to guarantee the customers that Telecomps is organized to answer their needs and insure their satisfaction. If you are interested in any item of Telecomps' RF coaxial cable, please feel free to contact them. Telecomps would like to be your reliable coaxial cable provider and welcome to visit Telecomps' site now.

(2015/Dec/29 17:57:40)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:57:40 +0800
<![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 RF Cable 射頻同軸線 (U.FL 06 (HRS))(2015/Dec/29 17:57:54)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/rf_coaxial_cable-ufl06.html?CID=1_1 As a professional RF coaxial cable provider, supplier and exporter. Telecomps supply all kinds of coaxial cable, including U.FL series cable, RF coaxial cable, coaxial cable assembly, coaxial cable specification, coaxial cables, coaxial connectors and more.
Their commitment is to guarantee the customers that Telecomps is organized to answer their needs and insure their satisfaction. If you are interested in any item of Telecomps' RF coaxial cable, please feel free to contact them. Telecomps would like to be your reliable coaxial cable provider and welcome to visit Telecomps' site now.

(2015/Dec/29 17:57:54)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:57:54 +0800
<![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 RF Cable 射頻同軸線 (U.FL 07 (HRS))(2015/Dec/29 17:58:01)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/rf_coaxial_cable-ufl07.html?CID=1_1 As a professional RF coaxial cable provider, supplier and exporter. Telecomps supply all kinds of coaxial cable, including U.FL series cable, RF coaxial cable, coaxial cable assembly, coaxial cable specification, coaxial cables, coaxial connectors and more.
Their commitment is to guarantee the customers that Telecomps is organized to answer their needs and insure their satisfaction. If you are interested in any item of Telecomps' RF coaxial cable, please feel free to contact them. Telecomps would like to be your reliable coaxial cable provider and welcome to visit Telecomps' site now.

(2015/Dec/29 17:58:01)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:58:01 +0800
<![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 RF Cable 射頻同軸線 (U.FL 08 (HRS))(2015/Dec/29 17:58:12)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/rf_coaxial_cable-ufl08.html?CID=1_1 As a professional RF coaxial cable provider, supplier and exporter. Telecomps supply all kinds of coaxial cable, including U.FL series cable, RF coaxial cable, coaxial cable assembly, coaxial cable specification, coaxial cables, coaxial connectors and more.
Their commitment is to guarantee the customers that Telecomps is organized to answer their needs and insure their satisfaction. If you are interested in any item of Telecomps' RF coaxial cable, please feel free to contact them. Telecomps would like to be your reliable coaxial cable provider and welcome to visit Telecomps' site now.

(2015/Dec/29 17:58:12)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:58:12 +0800
<![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 RF Cable 射頻同軸線 (U.FL 09 (HRS))(2015/Dec/29 17:58:21)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/rf_coaxial_cable-ufl09.html?CID=1_1 As a professional RF coaxial cable provider, supplier and exporter. Telecomps supply all kinds of coaxial cable, including U.FL series cable, RF coaxial cable, coaxial cable assembly, coaxial cable specification, coaxial cables, coaxial connectors and more.
Their commitment is to guarantee the customers that Telecomps is organized to answer their needs and insure their satisfaction. If you are interested in any item of Telecomps' RF coaxial cable, please feel free to contact them. Telecomps would like to be your reliable coaxial cable provider and welcome to visit Telecomps' site now.

(2015/Dec/29 17:58:21)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:58:21 +0800
<![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 RF Cable 射頻同軸線 (W.FL (HRS))(2015/Dec/29 17:54:12)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/rf_coaxial_cable-wfl.html?CID=1_1 As a professional RF coaxial cable provider, supplier and exporter. Telecomps supply all kinds of coaxial cable, including U.FL series cable, RF coaxial cable, coaxial cable assembly, coaxial cable specification, coaxial cables, coaxial connectors and more.
Their commitment is to guarantee the customers that Telecomps is organized to answer their needs and insure their satisfaction. If you are interested in any item of Telecomps' RF coaxial cable, please feel free to contact them. Telecomps would like to be your reliable coaxial cable provider and welcome to visit Telecomps' site now.

(2015/Dec/29 17:54:12)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:54:12 +0800
<![CDATA[FFC |柔性扁平排線 RF Cable 射頻同軸線 (Coaxial Cable)(2015/Dec/29 17:58:32)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/rf_coaxial_cable.html?CID=1_1 As a professional RF coaxial cable provider, supplier and exporter. Telecomps supply all kinds of coaxial cable, including U.FL series cable, RF coaxial cable, coaxial cable assembly, coaxial cable specification, coaxial cables, coaxial connectors and more.
Their commitment is to guarantee the customers that Telecomps is organized to answer their needs and insure their satisfaction. If you are interested in any item of Telecomps' RF coaxial cable, please feel free to contact them. Telecomps would like to be your reliable coaxial cable provider and welcome to visit Telecomps' site now.

(2015/Dec/29 17:58:32)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:58:32 +0800
<![CDATA[Hirose DF9 FFC 加工 (HRS DF9 01)(2015/Dec/29 17:53:10)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/cable_assembly_hirose01.html?CID=2_2 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:53:10 +0800 <![CDATA[Hirose DF9 FFC 加工 (HRS DF9 02)(2015/Dec/29 17:54:53)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/cable_assembly_hirose02.html?CID=2_2 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:54:53 +0800 <![CDATA[Hirose DF9 FFC 加工 (HRS DF9 03)(2015/Dec/29 17:55:06)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/cable_assembly_hirose03.html?CID=2_2 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:55:06 +0800 <![CDATA[Hirose DF9 FFC 加工 (HRS DF9 04)(2015/Dec/29 17:55:17)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/cable_assembly_hirose04.html?CID=2_2 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:55:17 +0800 <![CDATA[Hirose DF9 FFC 加工 (HRS DF9 05)(2015/Dec/29 17:55:25)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/cable_assembly_hirose05.html?CID=2_2 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:55:25 +0800 <![CDATA[Hirose DF9 FFC 加工 (HRS DF9 06)(2015/Dec/29 17:55:34)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/cable_assembly_hirose06.html?CID=2_2 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:55:34 +0800 <![CDATA[Hirose DF9 FFC 加工 (HRS DF9 07)(2015/Dec/29 17:55:44)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/cable_assembly_hirose07.html?CID=2_2 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:55:44 +0800 <![CDATA[Hirose DF9 FFC 加工 (HRS DF9 08)(2015/Dec/29 17:55:53)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/cable_assembly_hirose08.html?CID=2_2 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:55:53 +0800 <![CDATA[Hirose DF9 FFC 加工 (HRS DF9 09)(2015/Dec/29 17:56:03)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/cable_assembly_hirose09.html?CID=2_2 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:56:03 +0800 <![CDATA[線材加工 UL線材加工,配線加工,各式線材組裝加工 (Cable Assembly)(2016/Feb/20 10:53:19)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/wire_harness_cable_01.html?CID=4_4 各式UL線材加工組裝,通過ISO9001品質認證,可少量多樣,台灣生產,短期交貨,併具有優勢的競爭價格。客製化線材加工組裝生產過程也已通過UL相關認証,產品線包含各類電子、電機、家電、電器產品…等,各類引配線加工,特殊線材加工,能滿足客戶量產與客製化的需求。

(2016/Feb/20 10:53:19)]]>
Sat, 20 Feb 2016 10:53:19 +0800
<![CDATA[線材加工 電腦排線、各式灰排線、彩排線材加工 ( IDE Flat Cable Assembly)(2016/Feb/20 11:13:29)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/wire_harness_cable_02.html?CID=4_4 各類排線加工組裝,電腦排線、連接線(FLAT CABLE)、灰排線、彩排線…等。通過ISO9001品質認證,可少量多樣,台灣生產,短期交貨,併具有優勢的競爭價格


(2016/Feb/20 11:13:29)]]>
Sat, 20 Feb 2016 11:13:29 +0800
<![CDATA[線材加工 影音設備配線,訊號控制線材加工 (USB2.0 / 3.0 CABEL,DC CABLE)(2016/Feb/20 12:00:14)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/wire_harness_cable_03.html?CID=4_4  

各類影音設備客製化線材加工組裝生產,產品線包含各類USB2.0 / 3.0 CABEL,DC CALBE,D-SUB CABLE,RCA,RF CABLE,安控配線…等,各類影音設備線材加工,ISO9001品質認證,少量多樣,台灣生產,短期交貨,能滿足客戶量產與客製化的需求。

(2016/Feb/20 12:00:14)]]>
Sat, 20 Feb 2016 12:00:14 +0800
<![CDATA[線材加工 Wire Harness Cable (04)(2015/Dec/29 17:21:06)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/wire_harness_cable_04.html?CID=4_4 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:21:06 +0800 <![CDATA[線材加工 Wire Harness Cable (05)(2015/Dec/29 17:21:07)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/wire_harness_cable_05.html?CID=4_4 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:21:07 +0800 <![CDATA[線材加工 Wire Harness Cable (06)(2015/Dec/29 17:21:07)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/wire_harness_cable_06.html?CID=4_4 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:21:07 +0800 <![CDATA[線材加工 Wire Harness Cable (07)(2015/Dec/29 17:21:07)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/wire_harness_cable_07.html?CID=4_4 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:21:07 +0800 <![CDATA[線材加工 Wire Harness Cable (DSUB)(2015/Dec/29 17:21:08)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/wire_harness_cable_dsub.html?CID=4_4 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:21:08 +0800 <![CDATA[車用配線加工 PV Connectors (Germany Made, Taiwan Made) (A)(2015/Dec/29 17:21:00)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/pv_connectors-a1.html?CID=5_5 PV Connectors (Germany Made, Taiwan Made)
Telecomps Technology manufactures the highest quality flexible flat cable (FFC cable) and flat cable in standard or custom orders. Telecomps has experienced to export its flexible flat cables to many countries in the world. The company has all necessary facilities and equipment for production, inspection and test for their cable assemblies.
With powerful R & D capability and unexceptionable technology, Telecomps can develop and supply flexible flat cables (FFC cables) to meet the specific requirements for their customers. Telecomps is considered to be a worldwide leader in the providing and processing of flexible flat cable. Telecomps will offer their customer with a level of quality and service well beyond traditional expectations.

(2015/Dec/29 17:21:00)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:21:00 +0800
<![CDATA[車用配線加工 PV Cable (LAPP, Germany) (B)(2015/Dec/29 17:21:01)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/pv_connectors-b1.html?CID=5_5 Telecomps Technology manufactures the highest quality flexible flat cable (FFC cable) and flat cable in standard or custom orders. Telecomps has experienced to export its flexible flat cables to many countries in the world. The company has all necessary facilities and equipment for production, inspection and test for their cable assemblies.
With powerful R & D capability and unexceptionable technology, Telecomps can develop and supply flexible flat cables (FFC cables) to meet the specific requirements for their customers. Telecomps is considered to be a worldwide leader in the providing and processing of flexible flat cable. Telecomps will offer their customer with a level of quality and service well beyond traditional expectations.

(2015/Dec/29 17:21:01)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:21:01 +0800
<![CDATA[車用配線加工 PV Junction Boxes (Germany Made, Taiwan Made) (C)(2015/Dec/29 17:21:01)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/pv_connectors-c1.html?CID=5_5 PV Junction Boxes (Germany Made, Taiwan Made)
Telecomps Technology manufactures the highest quality flexible flat cable (FFC cable) and flat cable in standard or custom orders. Telecomps has experienced to export its flexible flat cables to many countries in the world. The company has all necessary facilities and equipment for production, inspection and test for their cable assemblies.
With powerful R & D capability and unexceptionable technology, Telecomps can develop and supply flexible flat cables (FFC cables) to meet the specific requirements for their customers. Telecomps is considered to be a worldwide leader in the providing and processing of flexible flat cable. Telecomps will offer their customer with a level of quality and service well beyond traditional expectations.

(2015/Dec/29 17:21:01)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:21:01 +0800
<![CDATA[車用配線加工 PV Cable Assembly : Made to customer's Specfication (D)(2015/Dec/29 17:21:02)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/pv_connectors-d1.html?CID=5_5 Made to customer's Specfication
Telecomps Technology manufactures the highest quality flexible flat cable (FFC cable) and flat cable in standard or custom orders. Telecomps has experienced to export its flexible flat cables to many countries in the world. The company has all necessary facilities and equipment for production, inspection and test for their cable assemblies.
With powerful R & D capability and unexceptionable technology, Telecomps can develop and supply flexible flat cables (FFC cables) to meet the specific requirements for their customers. Telecomps is considered to be a worldwide leader in the providing and processing of flexible flat cable. Telecomps will offer their customer with a level of quality and service well beyond traditional expectations.

(2015/Dec/29 17:21:02)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:21:02 +0800
<![CDATA[LVDS CABLE Connection for Better Images and Vision (02)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:33)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/flexible_flat_cable-02.html?CID=6_6 Telecomps Technology manufactures the highest quality flexible flat cable (FFC cable) and flat cable in standard or custom orders. Telecomps has experienced to export its flexible flat cables to many countries in the world. The company has all necessary facilities and equipment for production, inspection and test for their cable assemblies.
With powerful R & D capability and unexceptionable technology, Telecomps can develop and supply flexible flat cables (FFC cables) to meet the specific requirements for their customers. Telecomps is considered to be a worldwide leader in the providing and processing of flexible flat cable. Telecomps will offer their customer with a level of quality and service well beyond traditional expectations.

(2015/Dec/29 17:20:33)]]>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:33 +0800
<![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mmRA-AZ835BxxPT (835B-001)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:38)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527143723.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:38 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mmRA-AZ835BxxPT (835B-002)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:38)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-200952714391.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:38 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mmRA-AZ835BxxPT (835B-003)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:39)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527143945.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:39 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mmRA-AZ835BxxPT (835B-004)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:39)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-200952714419.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:39 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mmRAH=1.2mm-AZ825B(U)xxPT (825-002)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:40)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527144211.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:40 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mmRAH=1.2mm-AZ825B(U)xxPT (825-003)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:41)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527144441.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:41 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mmRAH=1.2mm-AZ825B(U)xxPT (825-005)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:43)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527144542.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:43 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mmRAH=1.2mm-AZ825B(U)xxPT (825-006)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:44)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527144636.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:44 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mmRAH=1.2mm-AZ825B(U)xxPT (825-007)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:45)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527144724.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:45 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mmRA-AZ835UxxPT (835U-001)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:46)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527144822.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:46 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mmRA-AZ835UxxPT (835U-002)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:47)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527144930.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:47 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mmRA-AZ835UxxPT (835U-003)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:47)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527145024.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:47 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mmRA-AZ835UxxPT (835U-004)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:48)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-200952714525.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:48 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mm-AZ841NxxPT (841-001)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:48)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-200952714544.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:48 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mm-AZ841NxxPT (841-002)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:49)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-200952714566.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:49 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mm-AZ841NxxPT (841-003)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:49)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527145718.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:49 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mm-AZ841NxxPT (841-004)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:50)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-200952714589.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:50 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mm-AZ855BxxPT (855-001)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:51)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527145931.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:51 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mm-AZ855BxxPT (855-002)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:52)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-200952715052.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:52 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mm-AZ855BxxPT (855-003)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:53)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-200952715140.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:53 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mm-AZ855BxxPT (855-004)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:57)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-20095271532.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:57 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mm-AZ855BxxPT (855-005)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:58)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-200952715354.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:58 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mm-AZ855BxxPT (855-006)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:58)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-200952715442.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:58 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 0.5mm-AZ855BxxPT (855-007)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:59)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-200952715530.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:59 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 1.0mmRA-AZ815BxxPT (815B-001)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:59)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-200952715633.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:59 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 1.0mmRA-AZ815BxxPT (815B-002)(2015/Dec/29 17:21:00)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-20095271586.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:21:00 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 1.0mmRA-AZ815BxxPT (815B-003)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:59)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-200952715854.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:59 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 1.0mmRA-AZ815BxxPT (815B-004)(2015/Dec/29 17:21:00)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-200952715936.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:21:00 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 1.0mmRA-AZ815BxxPT (815B-005)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:52)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527151020.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:52 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 1.0mmRA-AZ815UxxPT (815U-001)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:53)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527151214.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:53 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 1.0mmRA-AZ815UxxPT (815U-002)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:53)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527151335.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:53 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 1.0mmRA-AZ815UxxPT (815U-003)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:54)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527151425.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:54 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 1.0mmRA-AZ815UxxPT (815U-004)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:54)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527151511.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:54 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 1.0mmRA-AZ815UxxPT (815U-005)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:55)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-200952715161.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:55 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 1.0mmRA-AZ815UxxPT (815U-006)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:55)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527151753.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:55 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 1.0mmRA-AZ815UxxPT (815U-007)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:56)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527151850.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:56 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 1.0mm-AZ816NxxPT (816-001)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:56)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527151945.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:56 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 1.0mm-AZ816NxxPT (816-002)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:57)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527152059.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:57 +0800 <![CDATA[FFC&FPC連接器 FFC / FPC Connector - 1.0mm-AZ816NxxPT (816-003)(2015/Dec/29 17:20:57)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/Product-2009527152145.html?CID=7_7 Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:20:57 +0800 <![CDATA[I-PEX&FFC2.54刺破式 FFC2.54pitch-1 ()(2016/Jan/26 17:19:06)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/FFC2-54pitch.html?CID=8_8 Tue, 26 Jan 2016 17:19:06 +0800 <![CDATA[I-PEX&FFC2.54刺破式 FFC2.54pitch刺破式 ()(2016/Jan/26 17:19:21)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/FFC2-54pitch-.html?CID=8_8 Tue, 26 Jan 2016 17:19:21 +0800 <![CDATA[I-PEX&FFC2.54刺破式 FFC2.54pitch刺破式-1 ()(2016/Jan/26 17:20:25)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/FFC2-54pitch-1-.html?CID=8_8 Tue, 26 Jan 2016 17:20:25 +0800 <![CDATA[I-PEX&FFC2.54刺破式 FFC2.54pitch刺破式-2 ()(2016/Jan/26 17:21:27)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/FFC2-54pitch-2-.html?CID=8_8 Tue, 26 Jan 2016 17:21:27 +0800 <![CDATA[I-PEX&FFC2.54刺破式 FFC2.54pitch刺破式-3 ()(2016/Jan/26 17:22:47)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/FFC2-54pitch-3-.html?CID=8_8 Tue, 26 Jan 2016 17:22:47 +0800 <![CDATA[I-PEX&FFC2.54刺破式 I-PEX-20455-040E(1) ()(2016/Jan/28 18:56:03)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/I-PEX-20455-040E1.html?CID=8_8 Thu, 28 Jan 2016 18:56:03 +0800 <![CDATA[I-PEX&FFC2.54刺破式 I-PEX-20455-040E(2) ()(2016/Jan/28 18:57:51)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/I-PEX-20455-040E2.html?CID=8_8 Thu, 28 Jan 2016 18:57:51 +0800 <![CDATA[I-PEX&FFC2.54刺破式 I-PEX-20455-040E(3) ()(2016/Jan/28 18:57:28)]]> http://https://cableassembly.com.tw/chinese/I-PEX-20455-040E3.html?CID=8_8 Thu, 28 Jan 2016 18:57:28 +0800